As with any great couple, the King and Queen are strong and influential leaders in their own right. When they’re working together as a team, they’re an unstoppable force, growing their loyal followers, building their empire and producing little princes and princesses to strengthen their reign.
Let’s consider the King of digital media: Content.
Writers arrive on your screens in many forms. Journalists, Copywriters, Bloggers, Speechwriters and Novelists all offer varied skills that may, or may not be fit for a king. Without the marketers, their pieces would not arrive in your hands or at your screen.

The King may have the best speech in the history of the modern era; but if the marketing Queen hasn’t gotten behind it to present it to the world, there are no ears and eyes on which it will fall. If only a few people turn up to hear it, how can it be trusted? If people don’t trust it, what has the best speech in the world actually achieved?Consider another of our king's’ speeches. This time he had other things on his mind; he was a bit rushed and jotted his words down quickly while on the throne. That will do, the people love me. The queen is a fantastic marketer who has promoted speech day with a strategy that has taken months of careful planning. From far and wide minions converge to be graced with the amazing words they have been promised. In all her haste, she didn’t go over the speech.

Well, the speech was terrible and nowhere near what the crowd wanted or expected. One by one, the expectant crowd grew into an angry mob and began to depart, vowing never to listen to the Queen’s promises again, she could not be trusted. As a result the speech venue (let’s call it the Google Amphitheatre) penalised the queen for failing to deliver what their customers attended the venue to find, as it reflected poorly on them. The poor Queen, it wasn’t her fault. Or was it?
The answer lies in the communication. There needs to be a little bit of King and Queen in all of us for our content to really shine and please our audience; the glue that binds marketing strategies and proves successful for our clients. Marketers need to be clear about their intentions for the pieces they wish to promote, and give concise guidelines to writers about their strategies and directions. This makes everyone accountable.

Marketers need to check and re-check the content to ensure it aligns with the target and fits well within the strategy. Likewise, they need to know good content when they read it and at times evangelise outside their strategies to ensure it is marketed in the correct arena. Either way, a marketer should never accept poor material for the sake of filling Lorem Ipsum or meeting deadlines.
Writers can be an arrogant bunch – as a member of the elite ‘King’s’ club I can say that. Unless your words are composed with some element of marketing intention and foresight in mind, you may as well just write to yourself. Content needs to be more than just read; it should be shared, valued, argued, repeated and remembered. It’s never just about writing something interesting, engaging and enjoyable, it’s about helping the Queen achieve her objectives and ultimately driving positive results for the whole kingdom.

Every piece of content should be monitored. The performance needs to be analysed and quantified against the cost of its production. Digital marketing and content performance should be treated in the exact same way as you consider the viability of your businesses products and services. That’s just good business.
Every business needs captivating speeches supported by targeted marketing that delivers the message, not to everyone; but to those who will appreciate it and act on it. Both elements have to grow, learn, improvise and adapt together. There is no one blueprint; every message should serve a purpose. Both King and Queen need to look back at what has and hasn’t worked, and look forwards toward future strategies, successes and failures as a team. Royalty are not perfect.

So, who has the shinier crown?
The king of course! Perhaps because he has the bigger head; but really, on its own the king’s crown is just a crown; it only looks bigger and shinier when the Queen’s crown is right by its side.
Anchor digital are a crew of strategists, creatives, coders, account managers and techs. We are a digital agency powered by your business goals.With Anchor in your corner you can expect tailored expertise and measurable results. Our business model is simple: Consult, Create, Convert.Through close collaboration, accountability and total transparency, Anchor combine the forces that set your digital brand sailing. From the ground up, we’re your partners in climb. Let's connect today.