Web Development

There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes in order to create a website that’s helpful, visually appealing and easy to use.  Our first-class team work on both the development and design of your website in-house so that the finished product has a strong, integrated vision.

Anchor is a full-service creative marketing agency, and as part of our creative services, web development is one of our specialties. When we build your website, we focus on the bigger picture of how the development will fit with other creative services, especially web design. We handle every element of building the right site for your business, so you won’t get shuffled from one agency to another.
Our creatives produce powerful content and designs that catch web users’ attention, which our developers code into the website using the right language, scripts and configurations. We work on both the back and the front end of your site in tandem to ensure a fully realised, integrated outcome that satisfies our clients and gets results.

There are a lot of technical aspects to web development, but we break the process down into straightforward language that makes it easy for someone with no programming background to understand our strategies and results.
We love to build both websites and client relationships that run smoothly, are based on collaborations and last for a long time.
These days, more than 80% of shoppers look online before heading out to the store. Your presence on the web is as important as the actual brick and mortar of your business, and a user-friendly, responsive site is a non-negotiable. Anchor will develop a website that helps potential customers find you and boosts your conversions and sales.
Web Design & Development

Types of web development

If you can name it, Anchor loves to build it. Examples include e-commerce websites, custom websites, landing pages, WordPress and CMS websites, and mobile and web apps.
There are different types of web development: from full stack developers, who handle both the front and back ends of a website, to mobile developers, who focus on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. When up to 70% of traffic on the Internet comes from mobile devices, it’s crucial that a site looks and functions well across all devices.

Security is an important part of any web experience, and web developers need to be aware of the most common cybersecurity threats and develop countermeasures to keep them at bay. We’re across web development and web design of all types because there’s a time and a place for all kinds of solutions.

Our web development process

A top-notch website starts with top-notch coding, which is a more important element than people realise. But every element is interconnected. Anchor offer web development that compliments your web design, which in turn compliments your brand identity. Behind the scenes, we’ll utilise the right tools and technical knowledge to ensure a stunning result for the digital face of your business.
This blend of user experience and user interface (UX) and (UI) begins with us learning all about you and your business goals. The more we understand your goals and your story, the more of your identity we can reflect throughout our web development and web design.

Of course, we’re masters of the technical aspects: the wireframes and sitemaps, the coding languages like HTML and CSS. Build it and they’ll come, build it well, and they’ll stay. But we’re not content just to build it well and leave it at that. We’ll monitor site speed and mobile friendliness and customise, optimise, split test and do whatever else it takes to ensure that your web development achieves maximum results for you.

Development and design go hand-in-hand on the journey from concept to creation. This journey begins with a comprehensive site wireframe that visually represents the framework of your website. As we present to you the mock-up of your page, we can make live edits so you can see the process of the development then and there. Once you’re happy with the prototype of your website, we’ll hand the reins to our developers, who will optimise it for speed and responsiveness.

Work with Anchor

Years of experience in web development and design have given the team at Anchor the power to turn concepts into creations, goals into results. With a passion for innovation and for staying on the cusp of new technologies, we’re always caught up on the latest chapter when it comes to development.
One of our values is to do it the best way, not the most obvious way, and that certainly applies to how we approach our creative services and website development. Instead of finding the easiest solutions and settling for them, we test and refine our approach to make the end result as strong as it can be.

Site speed, usability and responsiveness are our end goals, and we test and re-test your site until we get there. Everyone can continue to grow, learn and innovate, and listening to other perspectives helps you see a website (or any other creative endeavour) with fresh eyes.

Drop us a line for website development that represents your brand in the most positive of ways and exceeds both your own expectations and those of your potential customers.
4 phone mockups floating in the air
Types of web development
If you can name it, Anchor love to build it. Examples include e-commerce websites, custom websites, landing pages, WordPress and CMS websites, mobile and web apps.There are different types of web development: from full stack developers, who handle both the front and back ends of a website, to mobile developers, who focus on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. When up to 70% of traffic on the Internet comes from mobile devices, it’s crucial that a site looks and functions well across all devices.
Security is an important part of any web experience, and web developers need to be aware of the most common cybersecurity threats and develop countermeasures to keep them at bay. We’re across web development of all types, because there’s a time and a place for all kinds of solutions.
Man looking at computer screen and coding
Our web development process
A top-notch website starts with top-notch coding, which is a more important element than people realise. But every element is interconnected. Anchor offer web development that compliments your web design, which in turn compliments your brand identity. Behind the scenes, we’ll utilise the right tools and technical knowledge to ensure a stunning result for the digital face of your business.
This blend of user experience and user interface (UX) and (UI) begins with us learning all about you and your business goals. The more we understand your goals and your story, the more of your identity we can reflect throughout our development and design.Of course, we’re masters of the technical aspects: the wireframes and sitemaps, the coding languages like HTML and CSS. Build it and they’ll come, build it well and they’ll stay. But we’re not content just to build it well and leave it at that. We’ll monitor site speed and mobile friendliness and customise, optimise, split test and do whatever else it takes to ensure that your web development achieves maximum results for you.Development and design go hand-in-hand on the journey from concept to creation. This journey begins with a comprehensive site wireframe that visually represents the framework of your website. As we present to you the mock-up of your page, we can make live edits so you can see the process of the development then and there. Once you’re happy with the prototype of your website, we’ll hand the reins to our developers who will optimise for speed and responsiveness.
3 people laughing together in an office
Work with Anchor
Years of experience in web development and design have given the team at Anchor the power to turn concepts into creations, goals into results. With a passion for innovation and for staying on the cusp of new technologies, we’re always caught up on the latest chapter when it comes to development.
One of our values is to do it the best way, not the most obvious way, and that certainly applies to how we approach development. Instead of finding the easiest solutions and settling for them, we test and refine our approach to make the end result as strong as it can be.Site speed, useability and responsiveness are our end goals, and we test and re-test your site until we get there. Everyone can continue to grow, learn and innovate, and listening to other perspectives helps you see a website (or any other creative endeavour) with fresh eyes.Drop us a line for website development that represents your brand in the most positive of ways, and exceeds both your own expectations and those of your potential customers.


Do web designers code?

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What is the difference between web design and development?

What are web development technologies?

What do web developers do?

What is backend web development?

What is a full stack developer?

What is front end web development?

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