Website Design & Development Services

97% of people learn more about a local company from the Internet than anywhere else, and 88% of people who search for a business on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours.

Web design & development is essential for capturing the attention of prospective customers online.

From a purely practical standpoint, your website is a place to feature your contact details, opening hours and prices.
But in order to stand out among your competitors and catch the attention of people looking for services like yours, there needs to be more to it. This is where web design & development comes in.  

Paying close attention to both usability and aesthetics—UX and UI—Anchor will craft a captivating website that lets you reach your full potential and increases your chance of conversions. Whether it’s a complete digital home or a landing page specific to a particular campaign, we create clean customer pathways and embedded analytics for accurate data performance insights.
An innovative, user-friendly website is a necessity, but Anchor will give you more. We’ll develop your brand identity and put you ahead of the competition.
Having a website is only the first step these days. A responsive, optimised, professional website increases your conversions, enhances your credibility and gives potential customers the ability to contact you at any time.

Anchor’s web design & development services include:
Web Design & Development

Website design

Using state-of-the-art tools, programs and techniques, Anchor create aesthetically appealing web design solutions that focus on improving a user’s experience.
User-friendly, responsive design is our priority. Looking good is not enough, the site also needs to function effectively across different devices. We design for conversions: speed, useability, in-depth information that informs but doesn’t overwhelm your visitors, and landing pages with simple yet effective data capturing tools

Our web design & development will accurately reflect your brand identity. We’ll accurately represent your brand identity and the characteristics of your business you want the public to see.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an important factor in web design, and we’ll ensure the design on your site pleases both users from the initial point of contact. Smooth development work, readability, the right wireframe and URL structures and ease of navigation are all elements we pay close attention to.
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Web development

Anchor are a full-service web development company, meaning you won’t be shuffled from one office to another and back again.
Our creatives conceive powerful content and web design and our developers code it into your website. A first-class technical team perform these functions collaboratively and in-house. We treat speed and responsiveness as the high priorities they are, and repeatedly test until we know we’ve got the approach right.

There’s more to a website’s development than what the public sees. Behind the colours, layouts and fonts lay carefully chosen digital tools, coding languages and deep technical knowledge. While the visuals appeal to the viewer, the programming languages determine the functionality and ensure the site is easy to use. The markup, coding and scripting happens behind the scenes to ensure that what’s displayed to the public looks great and runs smoothly.

Web development can include everything from creating a stand-alone website for customers to find themselves on to developing an e-commerce store or content management system (CMS).

Web design and development are not opposites but two complementary functions that work together powerfully. This collaborative approach is one that Anchor brings to development of your brand, website, marketing strategies and every other service we offer.
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Photography & Film

Unique, original photography is useful for your website for a number of reasons. It visually represents your brand and its personality, helps you appear more credible and professional, and drives conversions.
Considering that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, photography is a powerful way to quickly tell your brand story. Including authentic-looking photos of people on your website makes you appear more trustworthy, while including photos of your products gives customers further context and a visual reputation of what you have to offer.

Stock photos that look too generic can actually reduce your conversions, a pitfall that Anchor can help you avoid.
Video is immensely popular and the demand for it is only increasing. 86% per cent of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool and the majority have said that doing so has increased their sales.

Photos and videos show the world who you are rather than just telling, and Anchor can provide photos and videos that show the world the real you in a genuine and inspiring way.

Illustration & Animation Services

For a different approach that’s visually pleasing and effective at catching visitor’s attention, you can try adding illustration or animation to your webpage.
Adding illustration or animation is eye-catching, memorable, enhances your brand identity and can be a fun, interactive way to direct web users to where they should navigate to next.

Anchor will help you with distinctive animation and illustration services that strengthen rather than distract from the user's experience and your brand identity.

For web design & development that takes a multi-faceted strategic approach to building the right website for your brand, drop us a line.
Mockup of website on a laptop device, dark background
Website design
Using state-of-the-art tools, programs and techniques, Anchor create aesthetically appealing web design solutions that focus on improving a user’s experience.
User-friendly, responsive design is our priority. Looking good is not enough, the site also needs to function effectively across different devices. We design for conversions: speed, useability, in-depth information that informs but doesn’t overwhelm your visitors, and landing pages with simple yet effective data capturing tools.

Our web design & development will accurately reflect your brand identity. We’ll accurately represent your brand identity and the characteristics of your business you want the public to see.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an important factor in web design, and we’ll ensure the design on your site pleases both users from the initial point of contact. Smooth development work, readability, the right wireframe and URL structures and ease of navigation are all elements we pay close attention to.
Anchor Digital employees sitting a large boardroom table
Web development
Anchor are a full-service web development company, meaning you won’t be shuffled from one office to another and back again.
Anchor are a full-service web development company, meaning you won’t be shuffled from one office to another and back again. Our creatives conceive powerful content and web design and our developers code it into your website. A first-class technical team perform these functions collaboratively and in-house. We treat speed and responsiveness as the high priorities they are, and repeatedly test until we know we’ve got the approach right.

There’s more to a website’s development than what the public sees. Behind the colours, layouts and fonts lay carefully chosen digital tools, coding languages and deep technical knowledge. While the visuals appeal to the viewer, the programming languages determine the functionality and ensure the site is easy to use. The markup, coding and scripting happens behind the scenes to ensure that what’s displayed to the public looks great and runs smoothly.

Web development can include everything from creating a stand-alone website for customers to find themselves on to developing an e-commerce store or content management system (CMS).

Web design and development are not opposites but two complementary functions that work together powerfully. This collaborative approach is one that Anchor brings to development of your brand, website, marketing strategies and every other service we offer.
Camera man walking down the street with big video camera and microphone
Photography & Film
Unique, original photography is useful for your website for a number of reasons. It visually represents your brand and its personality, helps you appear more credible and professional, and drives conversions.
Considering that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, photography is a powerful way to quickly tell your brand story. Including authentic-looking photos of people on your website makes you appear more trustworthy, while including photos of your products gives customers further context and a visual reputation of what you have to offer.

Stock photos that look too generic can actually reduce your conversions, a pitfall that Anchor can help you avoid.
Video is immensely popular and the demand for it is only increasing. 86% per cent of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool and the majority have said that doing so has increased their sales.

Photos and videos show the world who you are rather than just telling, and Anchor can provide photos and videos that show the world the real you in a genuine and inspiring way.
Illustration & Animation Services
For a different approach that’s visually pleasing and effective at catching visitor’s attention, you can try adding illustration or animation to your webpage.
Adding illustration or animation is eye-catching, memorable, enhances your brand identity and can be a fun, interactive way to direct web users to where they should navigate to next.
Anchor will help you with distinctive animation and illustration services that strengthen rather than distract from the user's experience and your brand identity.
For web design & development that takes a multi-faceted strategic approach to building the right website for your brand, drop us a line.


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What is responsive web design?

What is the difference between web design and development?

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What do web developers do?

What is backend web development?

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What is front end web development?

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Why website design matters